Our Open Network

The purpose of the Columbia County Community Broadband Utility (C3BU) network policy is to ensure adherence to the principles contained in the FCC’s Internet policy statement (FCC 05-151).

C3BU provides Internet services to community anchor institutions (CAIs – educational organizations, health care, libraries, government agencies, public safety, and other nonprofit agencies) in an open, non-discriminatory manner. Any CAI within the C3BU service area is eligible to connect at reasonable rates and terms. C3BU does not make any distinction in its treatment of customer traffic based on application or content.

In some areas, C3BU may also provide other middle-mile services to private-sector middle-mile operators and wholesalers in an open, provider-neutral and nondiscriminatory fashion. Any middle-mile or last-mile provider or wholesaler within the C³BU service area is eligible to connect at reasonable rates and terms, at interconnection points where services are available.

For further information on FCC-05-151, please use the link below: https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/FCC-05-151A1.pdf